Strawberry Jello parfait makes for a great dessert for any family or large gathering. You just need 7 different ingredients all of which can be found at home. The parfait shown for this recipe will contain 4 layers, the graham layer, whipped mix, jello only layer, and one final whipped cream layer.

This Jello parfait recipe uses only six ingredients and is one of the simplest ways to impress everyone with an after-dinner treat. Mix and match your fruits, layers, and toppings all you like!

Are ovens required for this dessert?
Nope! Ovens are not needed for this recipe just boil water on the stove top and pour in your Jello mix and layer your ingredients. Without further ado lets get to the steps on how to make this delicious 4 layer strawberry jello parfait!
Strawberry Jello Parfait Recipe
Step 1: In a stove top, boil water and toss in your jello package according to the instructions provided.
Step 2: Allow to cool in room temperature in a bowl.
Step 3: Combine 1 cup of the ready made jello with 2 cups of coolwhip and whisk together. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Step 4: Create graham mixture by breaking down graham cookies/biscuits into a mixer then combine with unsalted butter and sugar
Step 5: Spoon some graham mix into the bottom of each cup.

Step 6: Pour the jello mixed whipped cream into cups leaving enough space for 2 more layers, store in fridge for 30 minutes

Step 7: Next pour the Jello only mixture.

Step 8: For the last layer top it off with a small layer of Jello mixed with whipped cream.
Step 9: Finish by slicing a strawberry into thin slices and top at the top of the parfait. Keep chilled until its ready to serve.